Our staff spends too much time answering the same questions on the phone.

The staff at Atomic Auto were spending a lot of time on the phone answering the same questions over again.

Is my car ready yet? and Will you work on my Geo Metro? topped this list.

Travis wanted a phone tree to answer before his shop phones rang, but needed to keep using his existing Google Voice number.  Oops, Google Voice does not have the option for a phone tree…

The big hurdle here was figuring out how to keep the same shop phone number customers had come to recognize, as well as to keep it as a Google Voice number.

After researching many virtual phone number providers, I determined that TalkRoute's features best met our needs at a price that offered excellent value.  We signed up for TalkRoute and integrated our new virtual phone number into the standard Google Voice inbound call forwarding process.

The Atomic Auto phone tree recording

Next came the writing and recording of the actual phone tree messaging as well as the detailed configuration of each interactive step. I worked with Travis to determine how to best route inbound calls so that common questions were easily answered while minimizing impact on callers who legitimately needed to talk to a staff member. I wrote the script, recorded, and did the post production for the multiple audio files we needed to build the complete phone tree.

We tested and finalized the TalkRoute configuration and Travis had his Google Voice-powered phone tree. Nice.